CNN "analyst" Jeffrey Toobin, left, a fellow Harvard Law alum along with Barack Obama and a staff member in the prosecution of Ollie North, blithely pronounces on CNN Monday night that "the vast majority" of voters are pro-choice as he questions the alleged desire of the Republican ticket to "reignite the culture wars," which, he adds, revolve around just one issue: abortion rights. But according to Gallup's annual Values and Beliefs survey, updated May 8-11 of this year, Americans as a whole are only slightly more likely to call themselves "pro-choice" on abortion than "pro-life," 50% to 44% (3-point margin of sampling error). This is nearly identical to where Americans stood on the issue a year ago, and is similar to the close division seen since 1998. That's a "vast majority"?
That same poll, btw, shows 55-year-old-plus voters (the age cohort in which turnout is always highest) describing themselves as 48% "pro-life" vs. 44% "pro-choice." That's OK, Jeff, I realize you're a busy guy and hardly have the time to keep up with news that's not on CNN. What's more bothersome is that you get to say such silly things without being challenged by the so-called newsman, Anderson Cooper, who's running the show.
Beyond that, the real politics of the situation almost certainly don't align with the Toobin view.