Oct 21, 2008

Leftists of a Feather

This is the real deal, straight from the Obama-Biden Web site:

Now, does it mean Barack Obama is a Marxist? Of course not. But the fact that his campaign hosts this blog says much about the man and the campaign.Too many of Obama's associations have been blown off by the mainstream media and left-wing commentators as meaningless, or as attempts by Republicans to accuse Obama himself of being guilty of whatever these various characters (William Ayers, Tony Rezko, etc.)are. That's patently disingenuous and misses the point entirely. even Colin Powell tried to play this game in his lukewarm endorsement of Obama, essentially saying that the McCain campaign had called Obama a terrorist by bringing up the long Ayers-Obama friendship and working relationship. Then on "Softballs," former Tip O'Neill aide Chris Matthews sanctimoniously parroted Powell's comment.
Of course, the actual POINT is that Obama has terrible judgment, which is reflected in his choice of associates, and that he consistently lies when confronted about them ("he's a guy who lives in my neighborhood"; "I never heard anything like that while I was in the pews"; etc.).

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